ETSI Signatures Conformance Checker



ETSI Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI) provides a free online tool that performs numerous checkings in order to verify the conformity of the ETSI Advanced Electronic Signatures.

IMPORTANT: This is NOT a signature validation tool. It checks the structure of the AdES signature versus the ETSI Specifications. It DOES NOT verify the validity of the signature. It cryptographically verifies the digital signature value, but it does not validate the certificate chain.

This tool aims to help organizations that develop signing or validating tools , not the signature end user.

None of the signatures that you upload are stored on the portal. They are deleted atomatically when running the conformance testing


The tool performs conformance tests on :

  1. PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signature ETSI TS 102 778 and EN 319 142-1&2)

  2. XAdES (XML Advanced Electronic Signature ETSI 101 903, TS 103 171 and EN 319 132-1&2)

  3. CAdES (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature ETSI TS 101 733 and EN 319 122-1&2)

  4. ASiC (Associated Signature Container ETSI TS 102 918 and EN 319 162-1&2)

  5. JAdES (JSON Advanced Electronic Signature ETSI TS 119 182-1)


For getting access to the tool, please fill the registration form Register

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